Sunday, September 1, 2013

Plan of Attack

Crossfitting at Home with added Cardio 5 times a week.

Goal weight is 165 lbs

Monday- Crossfit 9:30 with a 30 min Run in the evening
High Lean Protein and less than 1300 Calories in the day.

Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Starting Point

So I have to be honest- I have tried doing the Crossfit Fab and I have come to terms with the following:

1- Between work and my 2 year old, I am crunched for time

2- There are some exercises that I cannot do at home because I dont have the proper equipment

3- I cannot afford a Crossfit Membership like my newlywed, childrenless cousisns and I have to work with what I have.

So why now, why the sudden change of heart and why so motivated..

THIS IS ME....far left-

  All smiles but I dont feel very happy..

So I have set this as a reminder- mind you neither of these other wonderderful young ladies has had a kid, but even at my best weight, I would still be 5 inches taller and 35 pounds bigger than them.

So what do I get from this?

Not only do I want to be able to wear a size 6 outfit for my birthday in September but I want to feel happy.

But Denisse, why are you not happy?

Not much of a talker on this subject but I have come to realization that I use food as comfort.
I usually resort to food when I am stressed or unhappy and lately, with the way my life has been going, I am at the peack of stress-o- meter.

I am eating late, eating junk food, not exercising and that is a recepie for disaster.

Plan of Attack:

So what is my plan of strategy- I am going to try and follow the Crossfit Mama 90 Day Challange, obviously modifying it to where I can fit in 30 min of Cardio and the Workout of the Day.

Every week there is is an added challenge that I have to incorporate with my routines.

Week 1 is No Caffene
Week 2 is No Soda


I will update my progress and log my results here, hopefully every night, and log my food and excercise.


I am currently weighing in at 200 lbs. I was 218 when I gave birth to Sophie and before I was pregnant my weight was aproximatly 165-170.

I want to get back down to a size 6. I have a closet full of clothes that I cannot wear because I am a size 12.

In conclusion, I want to be back to my body pre-baby and I know it can be done. I want to prove it to myself and to others that I can do it if I set my mind to it.